Online Counselling Information

+ What do you offer? Which platforms do you use?

I have a diploma in Online Therapy and am accredited by ACTO (the Association of Counselling and Therapy Online) to provide this type of counselling. The online options I currently offer are:

  • Audio and video counselling over Zoom or VSee
  • Audio counselling (telephone counselling via an App) and IM (instant messaging) counselling over Signal or VSee
  • Telephone counselling (UK residents only)

+ How is it different to in-person therapy? What does a therapist need to work online?

In many ways it is just the same as in-person therapy, but there are some significant differences and it is important that counsellors have proper training - i.e. a certificate or diploma in online counselling and professional membership of the Association of Counselling and Therapy Online (ACTO) - in order to understand and make the adjustments needed to be beneficial to and to work ethically and safely with clients online. *I have an ACTO accredited diploma in online therapy. *

There are differences in the relational dynamics when working with people online - for example the lack of visual and auditory cues - or via the telephone, and this is why the BACP recommends specialist training. The BACP guidelines state:

”Online provision is a specialist area, requiring a level of competence at least as high as face-to-face work.”

+ Who might benefit from online therapy? When isn't online therapy suitable

Most people can benefit from online therapy, but there are some important instances when online therapy is not suitable. These are:

  • If you are in crisis, considering suicide or considering harming anyone else. If so, please either take yourself to your nearest A&E, call 999, or contact the Samaritans on 116 123. If you are overseas please contact appropriate services for your jurisdiction.
  • If you are suffering from psychotic episodes. In this case, please contact your GP or your local mental health crisis team.
  • If you have/need a mental health diagnosis and are in need of intense support such as hospitalisation. Again, please contact your GP or local services dependent on your jurisdiction if this is the case.

I also do not currently work with people under the age of 18.

+ Do you work with people outside the UK?

Yes, at present I will work with people in the UK but also with those living in countries within the European Union (EU).

+ How do I book an initial session?

You can contact me via this web page here, email me directly or call/text me between 10am-6pm on 07842 476345.

+ How much do online counselling sessions cost?

Online therapy sessions cost the same as my in-person fee which is currently £70. If you have having EMDR sessions these will be longer (70 minutes) and I charge £90 for these. I review my pricing yearly in February.

+ How much do I need to know about computers?

It is important that you use your own, private computer/device, and that you can manage your own IT - this is your responsibility.

The software that I use (Zoom, VSee and Signal) will work across different platforms (Windows, Mac OS X, iOS and Android) but you will need to be able to install this software and manage your Internet connection and online security.

I do recommend all my clients use a free email service called ProtonMail for all communications with me. If we both use ProtonMail our emails will be end-to-end encrypted which is much more secure than standard email.

+ What security systems do I need for my computer?

You will need to ensure your computer has at least the following protections:

  • up-to-date system system software (Mac OS, Windows, iOS, Android etc)
  • up-to-date anti-virus protection software including scanning for malware
  • a firewall
  • use of a VPN (virtual private network) if you communicate with me, or indeed anyone, in any way over an unsecured network - check with your anti-virus application as they may provide one or look at reviews online
  • ensure your device is password protected

+ Is online therapy confidential?

Just as with in-person therapy, what you tell me in online counselling is also confidential with the following exceptions:

  • I may talk about you in supervision to ensure I am working ethically and competently.
  • I reserve the right to break confidentiality if I feel there is a risk to yourself or to someone else.
  • If you tell me you intend to hurt someone or to commit a crime.

It is also important in online therapy that you are able to find a private space for the work where you will not be disturbed, overlooked or overheard.

+ Getting the best experience of online therapy

  • Find a private space where you will not be interrupted, overheard or overlooked - this also protects your confidentiality at your end.
  • If working over video it is best if you use a computer rather than a phone or tablet as you will see me and my responses more clearly and I will have a better view of you. However, if a computer is not possible we can still work together.
  • Ensure your camera is set to ‘high definition’ (HD) in the software settings. If your computer doesn’t have an HD camera you might want to invest in an external HD camera.
  • Try to sit somewhere with a good source of light on your face as I will be able to see you better.
  • You will get better sound quality if you use headphones or earphones, preferably with an in-built microphone.

+ Getting ready for your session

  • Find a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted or overheard so you can speak freely.
  • Sit in a comfortable chair.
  • Get yourself a soft drink and have some tissues nearby.
  • It can be helpful to give yourself a few minutes to settle yourself before the session and a few minutes afterwards to process the session and shift back into the rest of your day.

+ What happens if we have technical problems during a session?

If for any reason we experience technical difficulties at the start or during a ‘real time’ appointment I will try to reconnect with you, but if this is not possible we will make contact via the agreed alternative, such as phone or email. You can call me on my mobile on 07842 476345.

+ Can I record our online sessions?

It is not permissible for either you or I to record our sessions and/or to publish the content of our exchanges or share them with a third party using social media or other personal and/or public forums.

+ Ethical Practice

As an online therapist I follow the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy’s (BACP's) Ethical Framework, and I also abide by the code of good practice laid out by the Association of Counselling and Therapy Online (ACTO).

This is me seen through the Zoom app window

This is me seen through the Zoom app window